Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Project 11 - Think Crime

For this project we had to design the perfect crime. After much thought and deliberation I had come up with a simple idea. Stealing Cookies. If executed correctly, there would be no way that you could be caught - it's actually really simple and if you live in the flats - I'm sure if you do it correctly your flatmates wouldn't be able to find out.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Project 10 - The Graphic Design Cookbook

For this project I made a cake in a shape of a letter from a particular typeface. I made my letter in shape of a 't' from the typeface Bookman Old Style Bold. I made the mould for the cake out of tin foil which I had moulded around a cardboard template of the tin which I had also made before baking. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Project 9 - Top Trumps

For this project, we were to design a Top Trump card for yourself relating to your skills as a Graphic Designer. For this project we used a combination of work from Photoshop, Illustrator and In Design as a quick introduction on how to use these programs.

Project 8 - Wing of a Bee

For this project I had to design a wing based on a concept. At first I had a completely different idea but I had changed it to the idea of Pokemon as everyone should understand the concept easily with the iconic characters and images that I had used. Every part of the butterfly was using the Pokemon concept, even the butterfly's body was also using a character from the Pokemon series. The wing's shape was created using the cable from one gameboy, connecting it to the other gameboy on the other side of the wing. 

Monday, 14 November 2011

Project 7 - Brick

For this project we had to think of 100 ways to use a brick. Then we had to present it on an A2 Sheet hand drawn and in black and white.

(Sorry about the quality - I really need to scan this in or replicate it digitally)

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Project 6 - Matchmaker

We had to design wrapping paper for the clothing store 'Matches', the designs were to be colourful but still feel like it is related to the store's style in some way. It was hard as the store's colour scheme was black and white so it proved to be hard to think of ideas initially but these are the ideas that I had come up with.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Project 5 - Pay to Play

This project required us to as a class donate a pound to the cash prize which was around £50 as there are around 50 designers in the class. We had to design a new pound coin which addressed to current global financial crisis. My idea was based on that there were too many debts and not enough money around - the reason behind the whole financial climates is the fact that people have been borrowing money and not being able to pay others back which caused the situation at present.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Project 4 - Meet Me Round the Corner (Part 2)

We had to make a double page spread of a map from our journey in Central London. It took me a while to think of an idea that I liked. I then though of the idea of showing every single location I had went to representing them in a vectorised format which made them look simple and clean. There is also a key at the bottom which labels the locations.

Click below for bigger versions