Thursday, 13 October 2011

Project 4 - Meet Me On The Corner (Part 1)

This project was a rather interesting project to complete as it was a two part project that required going to Central London and completing the list of tasks given to us. There was a list of 40 tasks which we had to complete in order to complete the second part of the project which followed. The day was really fun and we definitely travelled more than we thought by foot. It was an interesting experience wandering around London with a map (looking like a tourist) but it was good fun nonetheless and was well worth the walk.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Project 3 - Brand Me Up Buttercup!

For this project I had to brand my partner, my partner was Sarah (sorry for having your picture on my blog). For my logo I had gone through various different ideas which were initially too complicated to be depicted as a logo. 

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Project 2 - Stairway to Helvetica

For my second project we were to write and record a song about a chosen typeface then we were to film a music video as well as the second part of our project. We were put into groups so we could work together on this project. In these groups we then randomly selected a typeface and then from there we began our work. My group had to create a song for the typeface 'Eurostile'. In order to write the song we had to research about Eurostile to include the facts into our song. After hours of thinking and writing lyrics, we had decided to write the song to the tune of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. 

Lyrics and Screencaps

Monday, 3 October 2011

Project 1 - Hello My Name Is

The first project set was 'Hello My Name Is'. This project required us to fill in the boxes with drawings which we were only allowed a set time limit per image. This project allowed me to practise working under pressure, which was a lot of fun to do and I will definitely try to do something like this again.

I will update the image with a high quality scan when I can.