Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Blazing Biographies Part 1

Larry Clark, born Lawrence Donald Clark is an American Film Director, Photographer, Writer and Film Producer. He was born on 19 January 2943 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.

Best Known: 
Film - Kids
Photography Book - Tulsa

Common Subject - YOUTH

  • Especially illegal drug use
  • Under-aged sex
  • Violence
His mother was a baby photographer, so he was exposed to photography at an early age.

In 1964 he moved to New York City but was drafted to serve in the Vietnam War soon after. This led him to publish his Photobook Tulsa which was about his young friend's drug use.

In 2002 he spent several hours in a police cell after punching Hamish McAlpine, head of Metro Tartan. As McAlpine described that the 9/11 attacks were the best thing to ever happen to America.

His film Ken Park was banned in Australia due to graphic content which the film contained. Film Critics who do not find social or artistic value in Clark's work labelled them obscene, exploitative and even borderline child pornography. 

Brief information about his work
Kids - It is a film that has boys as young as 12 casually drinking alcohol and using other drugs. It is about an amoral HIV-Positive Skateboarder who sets out to deflower as many virgins possible. While a local girl who contracted his disease tries to save his next target from her same fate.

Tulsa - It is a photo documentary about his young friends back in his hometown, Tulsa. It documents aimless drug use, violence and sexual activities of Clark's circle of friends in his hometown.


Tulsa is a black and white photobook which depicts the life of Larry Clark and his friends in his hometown, Tulsa. The life depicted is a very truthful appearance. It is void of any innocence in youth and seems to show rather explicit behaviour.

Simple cover for Tulsa

A introduction to the book by having a quote by Larry himself, explaining the contents and the background behind the photographs.

Introduction of his friends

A documentary of the lives of his friends, with photographs and also with some captions which helps to understand the photograph.

My idea for this Project is to possibly make a photobook of my own, but relating to my own experiences. Larry and his friend group were exposed to drugs during their youth, despite how a lot of people at that age to take drugs not everyone does. My work would document the more innocent aspects of youth, taking a different look at it. Or I would document it in perhaps a video, if I am able to.  They will probably be the strange things my friends like to do to keep themselves amused. Below are some examples of the type of images the photobook may contain. This weekend I have done some research on this particular idea, I spend the whole weekend with my friends where we just had a lot of fun. Being with them for a whole weekend allowed me to have more exposure to their behaviour and having this project in mind, I got to think more about how I could present them in this idea.


Ideas for Presentation

A piece of work that shows Larry Clark punching Hamish McAlpine - it could be shown by a comic strip of some sort, or perhaps a single print which shows all elements which relate to the situation. The situation that triggered the punch is a very sensitive topic.

However, despite how interesting this topic could be, I feel that I have a stronger feeling to go for the photobook (at this point in time) as it looks like it could be a lot of fun to create and it may have an interesting outcome.

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